Sunday, October 24, 2010

“Good to see, nice to hold, once broken considered sold”

Notice the crystal clear water in my outdoor 'koi' pond?

I manage this by simply circulating the water through the eco-system formed with the roots of Epipremnum aureum and Centella asiatica, (money plant and pegaga for Malaysians)

But what I really want you to see is the wooden carving of a monitor lizard that I had to buy last week from a souvenir shop located on Jonker Street in Malacca.

It was not on offer at knockdown price but looked life-like for me to pick it up for further examination.

What happened immediately was the right foreleg of the carving dropped off with a loud clang on the glass shelf, like a shop-lifting alarm!

The leg must have been broken by another shopper or an employee and then carefully replaced on the shelf.

I tried to explain to the proprietress what had actually happened. But it was of no use. All round the shop were signs prominently warning “Good to see, nice to hold, once broken considered sold”

So I paid for the damaged carving in order not to spoil the day for my fellow travelers.

You could almost see the smugness on the face of the proprietress as she registered the sale. She was also quick to recommend a particular brand of superglue for the repair even though her advice was not solicited.

And then she whispered to her assistant to make a call to cancel something, presumably the SWAT team.

If this is a scam, never mind la! Since the damaged carving had brought ‘fortune’ to that souvenir shop, I decided to name it Good Luck Biawak.

my Good Luck Biawak can keep away the real thing that had been spotted scavenging in the drain outside my home.

Black Rice Bran May Help Fight Disease (complete with recipe)

“A single teaspoon of black rice bran has the same amount of anthocyanins as an equal-sized serving of blueberries – with more fiber and less natural sugar” reported Zhimin Xu, Associate Professor at the Department of Food Science at Louisiana State University at the 240th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS), August 22-26, 2010.

Like brown rice, black rice isn’t processed to remove the outer husk, which means it still has the fiber and vitamins that white rice lacks. Bran contains higher levels of gamma-tocotrienol, one of the vitamin E compounds, and gamma-oryzanol antioxidants, which are lipid-soluble antioxidants. Numerous studies showed that these antioxidants can reduce blood levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) -- so called "bad" cholesterol -- and may help fight heart disease

Xu and colleagues analyzed samples of black rice bran and brown rice bran and found that the former contains higher levels of anthocyanins, which give it its distinctive purple-black coloration. The water-soluble anthocyanin antioxidants show promise for fighting heart disease, cancer, and other diseases.

Separately, Mendel Friedman and colleagues pointed out that black rice bran may help soothe the inflammation involved in allergies, asthma, and other diseases.

In the new study, they tested the effects of black rice bran extract on skin inflammation in laboratory mice. When they injected the extract into the mice, it reduced skin inflammation by about 32 percent compared to control animals and also decreased production of certain substances known to promote inflammation. Brown rice bran extract did not have these effects, they say. When the scientists fed the mice a diet containing 10 percent black rice bran, it reduced swelling associated with allergic contact dermatitis, a common type of skin irritation.

The findings "further demonstrate the potential value of black rice bran as an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic food ingredient and possibly also as a therapeutic agent for the treatment and prevention of diseases associated with chronic inflammation," the researchers noted.

So, now you know why Bee Koh Moy/Bubur Pulut Hitam/Black Sticky Rice Porridge is one of the most popular and common desserts in many Nyonya and Peranakan families

Here’s a recipe downloaded from Nonya Food – Rasa Malaysia for your convenience:

200g black rice
Sugar to taste
5 cups water
2 pandan leaves, knotted
1 cup coconut milk plus 1/2 teaspoon salt (mix well)


  1. Rinse the black sticky rice with water thoroughly until the water turns clear. Please take note that the color will remain “black” or “purple” in color but it should look clear.
  2. Add water and pandan leaves in a pot and bring it to boil. Add the black sticky rice into the pot and boil it on medium to low heat for 45-60 minutes or until the rice becomes soft and breaks up. Cover the pot with its lid.
  3. Keep checking the water level, if it’s become too dry, add more water.
  4. Add sugar to taste.
  5. Serve the bee koh moy in small bowls topped with a spoonful of coconut milk. If you like it creamier, add more coconut milk.
Journal reference:
Sun Phil Choi, Sung Phil Kim, Mi Young Kang, Seok Hyun Nam, Mendel Friedman. Protective Effects of Black Rice Bran against Chemically-Induced Inflammation of Mouse Skin. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010; 58 (18): 10007

Flavonoid Dalam Saderi Dan Cili Mengurangkan Defisit Memori Berkaitan Umur

Flavonoid luteolin (Loot-ee-oh-lin), dijumpai dalam banyak tanaman, termasuk lobak merah, cili, saderi, minyak zaitun, peppermint, rosemary dan chamomile, mengurangkan keradangan yang disebabkan oleh usia di otak dan defisit memori yang berkaitan dengan menghalang pelepasan molekul inflamasi di dalam otak.

Sel-sel mikroglial mengkhususkan sel imun yang berada di otak dan sumsum tulang belakang. Semasa proses penuaan normal, sel-sel mikroglial menjadi tidak teratur dan mula menghasilkan kadar sitokin inflamasi yang berlebihan.

Banyak bukti yang menyatakan bahawa flavonoid luteolin mempunyai kesan antiinflamasi, tetapi kemampuannya untuk menghalang mikroglia, mengurangkan mediator inflamasi, dan meningkatkan pembelajaran yang bergantung hippokampus dan ingatan pada tikus berusia tidak diketahui sampai sekarang.

Saintis yang diketuai oleh Rodney Johnson dari Bahagian Ilmu Gizi di Universiti Illinois meneliti kesan diet luteolin dalam suatu model penuaan pada tikus dan mendapati bahawa luteolin meningkatkan kesihatan kognitif dengan bertindak langsung pada sel mikroglial untuk mengurangkan pengeluaran sitokin inflamasi di otak .

"Kami percaya diet luteolin memasuki otak dan menghalang atau mengurangkan pengaktifan sel mikroglial dan sitokin inflamasi yang mereka hasilkan. Kesan anti-inflamasi ini kemungkinan merupakan mekanisme yang membolehkan memori mereka bekerja untuk dikembalikan kepada asal pada usia lebih awal."

"Data ini menunjukkan bahawa pengambilan makanan sihat mempunyai potensi untuk mengurangkan keradangan yang berkaitan usia di dalam otak, yang dapat menghasilkan kesihatan kognitif yang lebih baik," katanya.

Rujukan jurnal:

S. Jang, R. N. Dilger, R. W. Johnson. Luteolin Inhibits Microglia and Alters Hippocampal-Dependent Spatial Working Memory in Aged Mice. Journal of Nutrition, 2010 Oct;140(10):1892-8

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Flavonoid in Celery, Peppers Reduces Age-Related Memory Deficits

The flavonoid luteolin (LOOT-ee-oh-lin), found in many plants, including carrots, peppers, celery, olive oil, peppermint, rosemary and chamomile, reduces age-related inflammation in the brain and related memory deficits by directly inhibiting the release of inflammatory molecules in the brain.

Microglial cells are specialized immune cells that reside in the brain and spinal cord. During normal aging, microglial cells become dysregulated and begin producing excessive levels of inflammatory cytokines.

Considerable evidence suggests the flavonoid luteolin has antiinflammatory effects, but its ability to inhibit microglia, reduce inflammatory mediators, and improve hippocampal-dependent learning and memory in aged mice was hitherto unknown.

Scientists led by Rodney Johnson of the Division of Nutritional Sciences at University of Illinois examined the effects of dietary luteolin in a mouse model of aging found that luteolin improves cognitive health by acting directly on the microglial cells to reduce their production of inflammatory cytokines in the brain.

"We believe dietary luteolin accesses the brain and inhibits or reduces activation of microglial cells and the inflammatory cytokines they produce. This anti-inflammatory effect is likely the mechanism which allows their working memory to be restored to what it was at an earlier age."

"These data suggest that consuming a healthy diet has the potential to reduce age-associated inflammation in the brain, which can result in better cognitive health," he said.

Journal Reference:

S. Jang, R. N. Dilger, R. W. Johnson. Luteolin Inhibits Microglia and Alters Hippocampal-Dependent Spatial Working Memory in Aged Mice. Journal of Nutrition, 2010 Oct;140(10):1892-8

Picture Credit

Probiotik Boleh Mengurangkan Gejala Demam Selsema dan Flu pada Kanak-kanak

Probiotik telah ditakrifkan sebagai mikroorganisme hidup, yang mana pengambilan dalam jumlah tertentu mempunyai kesan yang baik pada kesihatan manusia selain dari gizi umum yang diperoleh secara semulajadi(1).

Kesan ini disebabkan oleh ketelapan usus yang meningkat, mikroflora usus tidak seimbang, peningkatan pembaikan fungsi halangan imunologi usus dan pengurangan respon inflamasi usus.
Penerapan probiotik dalam amalan pediatrik (cabang perubatan yang berkaitan dengan rawatan perubatan pada bayi, anak-anak, dan remaja) saat ini terletak dalam meningkatkan fungsi-fungsi penghalang dalam usus dan mengurangkan risiko penyakit yang berkaitan dengan disfungsi mereka.
Beberapa kajian telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan bakteria probiotik (seperti lactobacillus dan bifido) dalam memendekkan tempoh diare rotavirus dan mengurangkan gejala sindrom kerengsaan usus besar.

Juga ditunjukkan bahawa suplementasi dengan Bifidobacterium animalis BB-12 atau Lactobacillus GG mengubahsuai keradangan alergi pada bayi dengan ekzima atopik.

Kini penyelidik yang dipimpin oleh Gregory J. Leyer telah mendapati bahawa probiotik yang diberikan sebagai pencegah selama musim sejuk mengurangkan insiden dan tempoh demam, batuk, dan hidung berair pada kanak-kanak (2).

Para penyelidik mengkaji sejumlah 326 kanak-kanak sihat berusia 3 hingga 5 tahun di sebuah pusat penjagaan kanak-kanak di Jinhua City, China. Mereka secara rawak diberikan dos L. acidophilus atau L. acidophilus dalam kombinasi dengan animalis Bifidobacterium dua kali sehari selama enam bulan dari bulan November 2005 hingga Mei 2006.

Kumpulan ketiga ditugaskan untuk plasebo, dan sejumlah 248 kanak-kanak selesai menjalani kajian.

Para penyelidik mendapati bahawa kedua-dua produk strain tunggal dan kombinasi dapat mengurangkan insiden demam, batuk, dan rhinorrhoea, kesannya lebih mendalam dengan produk kombinasi.

Kesan lebih besar dari produk kombinasi mungkin dihasilkan dari kenyataan bahawa bakteria bifido menurunkan virus pernafasan yang melekat pada rangkaian permukaan tisu mulut.

Antibiotik digunakan juga berkurangan berbanding dengan plasebo, dengan 68.4% untuk dos strain tunggal(L = 0,0002) dan 84.2% untuk produk kombinasi (L kurang dari 0,0001).

Mengurangkan penggunaan antibiotik pada awal usia mungkin mempunyai manfaat penting (misalnya, mengurangkan kesan sampingan, kos, dan risiko untuk pembangunan pertahanan antimikrob).

Para penyelidik juga mencatatkan bahawa kejadian muntah dan cirit-birit rendah selama kajian dilakukan.

Probiotik dapat mengurangkan gejala pernafasan dan penggunaan antibiotik melalui kesan kekebalan tubuh yang ditingkatkan, kata para penyelidik, kerana kajian sebelumnya telah menunjukkan kemampuan bakteria untuk memodulasi respon kekebalan tubuh melalui interaksi dengan reseptor seperti 'tol'.

Rujukan jurnal:

Nayil Dinkçi, Gülfem Ünal, Sibel Akalin and Siddik Gönç. The Importance of Probiotics in Pediatrics. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 5 (6): 608-611, 2006

Leyer GJ, Li S, Mubasher ME, Reifer C, Ouwehand AC. Probiotic Effects on Cold and Influenza-Like Symptom Incidence and Duration in Children. Pediatrics 124(2):e172-e179, 2009.

Bincanglah dengan doktor anda hari ini!



他表示 "體內的每一個器官都會受專於運動。"他和妻子在伊利諾州的盧明頓擁有一間經營非常成功的老人安養院和健身中心

"運動可以減緩或預防中風、記憶力減退、抑鬱、冠狀動脉疾病、第二型糖尿病、關節炎及骨質疏鬆症,並且可以保持身體的平衡" 他補充

他的太太安妮達.第卡表示 "肌肉的強度、骨質的密度及靈活性都可隨運動而提升,並且減少跌倒及骨質碎裂的風險。" 她同時也是一位營養及運動專家

烏代.第卡博士表示 "每個人都可以參照本身的醫療記錄並諮詢醫生,如果可以的,慢慢的開始運動,才逐步的增加運動量。"


他說 "運動也是一種非常經濟的方法來預防疾病的侵襲,讓個人的醫療費用維持在一個相對低的水平"

安妮達.第卡表示 "每個人都可以附近的健身中心去參訪,看看它們的器具、課程、指導員是否符合自身的要求。"



"這樣的生活才有生活的品質及樂趣。" 安妮達.第卡表示

"當我們運動時,你會感覺到壓力的減輕,精神也可以趨於平靜及放鬆,這不就是我們所響往的生活嗎。" 她補充


我們可以把這問題轉介給Zen Gray

ZESTFULNESS 表示: 如果你不能找到時間去健身中心,或於晨間散步時擔心小偷或惡狗,可以買一個橢圓機 (elliptical trainer) 或橢圓交叉訓練機 (elliptical cross-trainer) 是健身俱樂部常見的心肺適能訓練器材。




Picture Credit

Monday, October 18, 2010

Anti-inflammatory Food Effectively Protects Against Risk for Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease and Cognitive Decline

Results from a new dietary intervention study indicate that by a selection of food products you can obtain a tangible reduction of the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

The test products were included in a food portfolio based on different food concepts with expected beneficial effects on risk factors of metabolic syndrome, i e type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity. Food that in different ways might subdue the low-grade inflammation, the key factor in developing metabolic syndrome, was selected. Examples of food concepts that were included in the study are antioxidants, low GI food, wholegrain products and probiotics. The portfolio included, among others, food with slow carbohydrates, viscous dietary fiber, soy protein, oily fish, blueberries, almonds, cinnamon and vinegar.

Instead of studying each food concept separately they were combined in the same test diet with the aim to achieve, if possible, a more significant reduction of the harmful inflammation.

Such a synergetic conception concerning food with focus on anti-inflammatory qualities is new – and resulted not only in moderate levels of inflammatory markers but also attenuated a number of other risk factors for the metabolic syndrome and improved cognitive performance.

The study has been carried out at Antidiabetic Food Centre at Lund University. The intervention included 44 healthy overweight adults. During periods of four weeks they were eating the especially designed food portfolio and a reference diet with low content of the components or qualities that characterized the food portfolio. Some products in the food portfolio are not yet available on the market as they were developed for the study. A number of different risk markers were registered before and after the end of the two test periods.

The results show that the food portfolio significantly reduced inflammation. Furthermore, LDL-cholesterol was reduced by 33%, blood triglycerides by 14%, blood pressure by 8 % and a thrombotic risk factor by 26 %. In addition, the subjects’ cognitive functions were improved after the food portfolio compared with the reference food.

- The results are beyond expectations! I would like to say that there is no former study with similar effects in healthy volunteers. Our effects hit broadly on risk parameters and we have shown that by the means of food you can improve cognitive functions, says Inger Björck, professor in food related nutrition, who has been leading the study. The study has been carried out within the Antidiabetic Food Centre of Lund University, of which Inger Björck is the director.

- Our purpose was to find out which preventive effect can be obtained on established risk markers by combining food concepts with an expected positive impact on inflammation. Inger Björck emphasizes that the study has a politically explosive power

- We hope that these results on healthy subjects will inspire more intense preventive efforts in society.

It is not possible to tell precisely which food factors have greater or lesser impact on the research results.

- That’s the point. We believe in the idea of combined effects. Drug or specific products with health claims affect only one or maybe a couple of risk factors. By a combination of food you can in a simple and striking way affect many risk parameters simultaneously explains Inger Björck.





在1年之內,上述47位當中的10受調查者被壞疑可以患上阿爾茨海默氏病。根據他們體內所抽檢的樣本顯示他們的睪丸素也相對的低,而且體內含有較高的 載脂蛋白(apolipoprotein E),這是一種和阿爾茨海默氏及高血壓有正相關的風險的含量






若老年人的睪丸素是在最高的4分位數 (大於或等於495微克/每公升,或微毫克/升) 比睪丸素落在最低4分位數 (低於308微克/每公升,或微毫克/升) 按這裡以瞭解男人的睪丸素水平,當中會影響其高低的因素很多,包括年齡。



Saturday, October 16, 2010

Water Melon and Prehypertension

A pilot study involving four men and five postmenopausal women, ages 51-57, suggests that watermelon can be an effective natural weapon against prehypertension.

Prehypertension is characterized by systolic blood pressure readings of 120-139 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) over diastolic pressure of 80-89 mm Hg. If left unattended, prehypertension can progress to full-blown hypertension, a major risk factor for heart attacks and strokes.

Arturo Figueroa et al found that when six grams of the amino acid L-citrulline from watermelon extract was administered daily for six weeks, there was improved arterial function and consequently lowered aortic blood pressure in all nine subjects

There was a significant treatment effect (change in the value of watermelon minus placebo from baseline to 6 weeks) on brachial Pulse Pressure (about 8 mm Hg), and aortic Systolic Blood Pressure (about 7 mm Hg), both of which are reliable predictors of cardiovascular risk

Sweet, low calorie, high fiber, nutrient rich watermelon is not only rich in vitamin A, B6, C, fiber, potassium and lycopene, it is also the richest edible natural source of L-citrulline.

Once in the body, the L-citrulline is converted into L-arginine, the amino acid required for the formation of nitric oxide which relaxes blood vessels to regulate vascular tone and maintain healthy blood pressure.

The other good news is that this nitric oxide boosting effect is the same basic effect that Viagra has, to treat erectile dysfunction.

So how much watermelon do we need to obtain 6 grams of L-citrulline?

Rimando AM and Perkins-Veazie PM found that citrulline content ranged from 3.9 to 28.5 mg/g dry weight (dwt). the rind contained more citrulline than flesh on a dry weight basis (up to 24.7 mg/g dwt. Red flesh watermelons had slightly less citrulline than the yellow or orange flesh watermelons. Note that these data are obtained from a dry weight basis; the amount of citrulline obtainable from fresh water melon is 5 to 10% of that from dried fruit.

Now for the caveat: optimistically, 2.10kg of fresh water melon, a whole melon to get enough citrulline to boost the body's arginine level. Running to the bathroom more because of the natural diuretic effect of water melon will be the least of your concern when you read about the toxicity and the liberal use of the insecticide carbofuran in our local orchards.

It is said that carbofuran is active for one whole year (12 months) and is most powerful and effective during the first 90 days.

The watermelons mature and are picked after 55 days, when the carbofuran is still powerful, and a lot of it is inside the watermelons! Read more about this risk in Dr Lim Hin Fui’s blog.

Zestzfulness says: It is quite safe to enjoy the occasional water melon. If you are prehypertensive, wake up and make the necessary lifestyle changes, such as exercising and eating healthier and visiting your health care provider regularly. If you think you need Viagra, talk to your doctor and if you think you're "pre-Viagra", CLICK HERE to see how Zestz can help boost your performance

Journal References:

  1. Arturo Figueroa, Marcos A. Sanchez-Gonzalez, Penelope M. Perkins-Veazie, Bahram H. Arjmandi. Effects of Watermelon Supplementation on Aortic Blood Pressure and Wave Reflection in Individuals With Prehypertension: A Pilot Study. American Journal of Hypertension, October 2010; FULL TEXT
  2. Rimando AM, Perkins-Veazie PM. Determination of citrulline in watermelon rind. Journal of Chromatography A. 2005 Jun 17;1078(1-2):196-200.
  3. Picture Credit

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Weight Loss Strategy Clinically Proven

The results of a single-blind randomized trial conducted by Bret H. Goodpaster et al at the University of Pittsburgh indicate that lifestyle interventions, including physical activity and structured weight loss programs, can result in significant weight loss.

The one-year intensive weight loss and physical activity intervention involved 130 severely obese (class II or III) adult participants without diabetes.

One group was randomized to diet and physical activity for the entire 12 months; the other group had the identical dietary intervention but with physical activity delayed for 6 months.

Although both intervention groups lost a significant amount of weight at 6 months, the initial-activity group lost significantly more weight in the first 6 months compared with the delayed-activity group.

Weight loss at 12 months, however, was similar in the 2 groups.

However, the reduction of waist circumference, visceral abdominal fat, hepatic fat content, blood pressure, and insulin resistance was greater with the initial-activity gtoup.

The researcher conclude that intensive lifestyle interventions using a behavior-based approach can result in clinically significant and meaningful weight loss and improvements in cardiometabolic risk factors in severely obese persons. They recommend that physical activity should be incorporated early in any dietary restriction approach to induce weight loss and to reduce hepatic steatosis [fatty liver] and abdominal fat.

Journal Reference:

B. H. Goodpaster, J. P. DeLany, A. D. Otto, L. Kuller, J. Vockley, J. E. South-Paul, S. B. Thomas, J. Brown, K. McTigue, K. C. Hames, W. Lang, J. M. Jakicic. Effects of Diet and Physical Activity Interventions on Weight Loss and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Severely Obese Adults: A Randomized Trial. JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, 2010; DOI: 10.1001/jama.2010.1505

Picture credit

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ear Wax Is Normal

Ear wax is normal and healthy. Sweat glands inside the outer ear canal produce it

Ear wax protects the ear drum and the skin that lines the ear canal tissues from dirt and other foreign matter.

The healthy ear cleans itself; tiny hairs lining the ear canal slowly move the wax outwards.

When you clean your ear, you remove wax that moved far from its start. Never insert an object such as a cotton swab into the ear canal in an attempt to remove earwax. This can push the wax in deeper against your ear-drum.

Ear wax doesn't always have to be removed. But too much ear wax can lead to blockage of the ear canal and subsequent temporary hearing loss or pain.

If earwax causes discomfort, it is quite feasible to soften the wax by instilling drops of warm olive oil, sodium bicarbonate drops, or commercially available wax-softeners for four to five days prior to having the ears gently syringed or washed out.

Ears should never be cleaned with water unless the eardrum (tympanic membrane) is intact.

See your doctor if the earwax is causing pain.

Picture credit

Monday, October 11, 2010

Minyak Bawang Putih dan Kardiomiopati Diabetis

Diabetes mellitus merupakan salah satu faktor risiko utama pembentukan penyakit jantung, kira-kira 80% dari semua kematian diabetes.

Pesakit diabetes memiliki minimal dua kali risiko kematian akibat penyakit jantung berbanding tanpa diabetes. Mereka rentan terhadap penyakit jantung yang disebut kardiomiopati diabetes, yang menyebabkan radang dan melemahkan rangkaian otot jantung.

Penelitian sebelumnya telah menyarankan bahawa minyak bawang putih boleh melindungi sistem kardiovaskular. Namun, mekanisme di mana minyak bawang putih melindungi kardiomiopati disebabkan diabetes tidak jelas.

Wei-Wen Kuo dan rakan (1) memberi makanan baik minyak bawang putih atau minyak jagung pada tikus makmal yang mempunyai diabetes. Haiwan yang diberikan minyak bawang putih mengalami perubahan yang bermanfaat yang berkaitan dengan perlindungan terhadap kerosakan jantung.

Hiperglikemia, terhasil sama ada dari kekurangan insulin pada diabetes jenis 1 atau pertahanan insulin pada diabetes jenis 2, menginduksi pengeluaran spesies oksigen reaktif (ROS), yang merupakan penyebab utama dari kecederaan miokard diabetes. Kerana kadar rendah pemungut radikal bebas, hati terdedah untuk menjadi rosak disebabkan ROS.

Efek berbahaya dari stres oksidatif pada jantung pesakit diabetes termasuk ekspresi gen abnormal, transduksi isyarat berubah, dan pengaktifan pusat menyebabkan kematian sel terprogram miokard. Beberapa enzim antioksidan dikenalpasti menurun pada jantung pesakit diabetes, kerana hiperglikemia, melalui mekanisme oksidatif yang ditemui pada tikus dan manusia

Menariknya, eksogenus atau kemampuan antioksidan insulin-mediated boleh menghalang kenaikan stres oksidatif, menunjukkan kemungkinan kesan yang menguntungkan dari antioksidan dalam mencegah kardiomiopati diabetes.

Perubahan pada tikus yang diberi minyak bawang putih dilihat berkaitan dengan sifat antioksidan yang kuat dari minyak bawang putih. Para saintis telah mengenalpasti lebih daripada 20 zat dalam minyak bawang putih yang boleh menyumbang pada kesan tersebut.

Para penyelidik juga menyiasat sama ada karbohidrat yang diperam ditemui dalam makanan yang mengandungi bawang putih dan asparagus dapat membantu penurunan berat badan dan diabetes.

Pengajian tiga tahun oleh Nutrisi dan Research Group di Imperial College London, bertujuan untuk menentukan sama ada karbohidrat ini menyebabkan pelepasan hormon usus yang boleh mengurangkan nafsu makan dan meningkatkan sensitiviti insulin, yang pada gilirannya dapat menurunkan kadar gula darah dan membantu mengawal berat badan. Karbohidrat yang akan diberikan kepada peserta dalam kajian adalah sebagai suplemen sehari-hari.

Ahli diet Nicola Guess, yang memimpin penelitian (2), mengatakan: "Dengan menyiasat bagaimana nafsu makan dan kadar glukosa darah ditetapkan pada pesakit diabetes jenis 2 yang berisiko tinggi, kami berharap dapat mencari cara untuk mencegah serangan tersebut."

  1. Hsiu-Chung Ou, Bor-Show Tzang, Mu-Hsin Chang, Cheng-Tzu Liu, Hui Wen Liu, Chong-Kuei Lii, Da-Tian Bau, Pei-Min Chao, Wei-Wen Kuo. Cardiac Contractile Dysfunction and Apoptosis in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats Are Ameliorated by Garlic Oil Supplementation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010; Full Text
  2. The Guardian, Isnin 23 Ogos 2010
  3. Setiap Garlic Pearl oleh VitaHealth mengandungi 1mg minyak bawang putih.
  4. Laporan terkini bawang putih, KLIK DISINI
  5. Picture Credit

Saturday, October 9, 2010

How Exercise Makes Everything Better

Exercise is fundamental for longevity, well-being and functional ability, said Dr. Uday Deoskar, an internist and geriatric specialist (1).

"There is not a single organ in the body that does not benefit from exercise," said Deoskar, who owns the Successful Aging Center and the Fitness Learning Center in Bloomington, Ill. with his wife, Anita.

"Exercise can delay or prevent stroke, memory loss, depression, coronary artery disease, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis and vascular disease and can help with balance," Deoskar said. “It supports what the body needs and takes away what the body doesn’t need.”

Muscle strength, bone density and flexibility are boosted with exercise, reducing the risk of falls and fractures, said Anita Deoskar, a nutritionist and exercise physiologist.

"Look at your medical history and condition and check with your doctor. If it's safe to exercise, start low and slow and gradually increase," Uday Deoskar advised.

He suggested that individuals get help from an exercise professional to exercise safely and efficiently. "Exercise is rarely harmful if it's done correctly."

Exercise also is an inexpensive way of treating disease and helping to keep personal health care costs down, he said.

Visit different exercise facilities to determine whether they have equipment, classes, instructors and trainers who would be a good fit for you, Anita Deoskar said.

Group exercise classes are great motivators to keep people compliant with their exercise.

Interaction in the classes helps to preserve memory, increase socialization, decrease the risk of isolation and depression and keep the mood light, the Deoskars said.

"When there is quality of life, there is fun," Anita Deoskar said.

"When you exercise, you experience stress reduction, your mind gets calm and quiet, and you relax," she said. "Isn't that what all of us want?"

Well, Does Exercise Make Sex Better?

We'll leave it to Zen Gray, host of the Skinny, to tackle this very important question

Zestfulness says: If you can't find time to get to the gym or are too afraid of snatch thieves and stray dogs to take the morning walk, get an elliptical trainer (also known as a cross-trainer).

The benefits of using an elliptical trainer are very impressive. The fact that you can get all of these with a machine that takes up relatively little space compared to other fitness machines, and at a cost that won't break the bank, makes it an excellent choice of equipment.

The elliptical trainer can deliver a cardio-vascular workout comparable to a
treadmill without putting strain on your joints. This is good news if you're currently overweight or recovering from an injury or illness.

It also gives a better whole body workout compared to an exercise bike because you use both your arms and your legs - a rowing machine can do this but does tend to take up more space. A recent study found overweight people were able to train longer on an elliptical trainer than a treadmill and minute for minute used more calories and consequently lost more weight.

  1. Published September 10, 2007, in The Pantagraph - Bloomington, Illinois
  2. Picture Credit

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Testosterone - the high and low

Low Testosterone Linked to Alzheimer's Disease

According to a research led by Leung-Wing Chu (1), a specialist in geriatric medicine at the University of Hong Kong , low levels of the male sex hormone, testosterone, in older men is associated with the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

The researchers studied 153 ambulatory community-living non-demented Chinese older men, aged 55 years or over. Of those men, 47 had mild cognitive impairment – or problems with clear thinking and memory loss.

Within a year, 10 men who all were part of the cognitively impaired group developed probable Alzheimer's disease. These men also had low testosterone in their body tissues; elevated levels of the ApoE 4 (apolipoprotein E) protein, which is correlated with a higher risk of Alzheimer's disease; and high blood pressure.

The findings corroborate findings in previous studies of older Caucasian men that show low testosterone is associated with impaired thinking and Alzheimer's disease. They suggest that testosterone may have a protective value against Alzheimer's disease.

Higher Testosterone May Raise Risk of Heart Disease in Elderly Men

On the other hand, a large U.S. multicenter study (2) shows that older men with higher testosterone levels are more likely to have a heart attack or other cardiovascular disease in the future.

Researchers led by Kristen Sueoka studied 697 community-dwelling men age 65 or older who were participating in the National Institutes of Health-funded study, Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS). None of these men were receiving testosterone therapy, according to the study abstract.

During an average follow-up of nearly 4 years, 100 men, or about 14 percent, had a coronary disease event, in particular, heart attacks. After the researchers adjusted for other potential contributing risk factors for heart disease, such as elevated cholesterol, they found that higher total testosterone level relates to an increased risk of coronary disease.

Men whose total testosterone was in the highest quartile (greater than or equal to 495 nanograms per deciliter, or ng/dL) had more than twofold the risk of coronary disease compared with men in the lowest quartile (below 308 ng/dL). CLICK HERE for normal testosterone levels in men, which depends on many factors, including increasing age.

"Many in the general public are using testosterone supplements for various medical problems, including low sex drive and mood disorders, which are not life-threatening. These men may unknowingly be placing themselves at higher risk for cardiovascular disease," Dr Sueoka said.

If you are concerned about your level of testosterone, talk to your doctor.


  1. Chu LW, Tam S, Wong RL, Yik PY, Song Y, Cheung BM, Morley JE, Lam KS. Bioavailable Testosterone Predicts a Lower Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease in Older Men. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2010; 21 (4)
  2. Sueoka KT. OR17-1. Presented at: The Endocrine Society 92nd Annual Meeting and Expo; June 19-22, 2010; San Diego.
  3. CLICK HERE for our other posts on testosterone.
  4. Picture Credit

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Probiotics May Reduce Cold and Flu Symptoms in Children

Probiotics have been defined as living microorganisms, which upon ingestion in certain numbers have beneficial effects on human health beyond inherent general nutrition (1).

These effects are attributed to the restoration of increased intestinal permeability and unbalanced gut microflora, improvement of the intestine's immunological barrier functions and alleviation of the intestinal inflammatory response.

The application of probiotics in paediatric practice (the branch of medicine that deals with the medical care of infants, children, and adolescents) currently lies in enhancing these barrier functions in the gut and reducing the risk of diseases associated with their dysfunction.

Several studies have been carried out using probiotic bacteria (such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria) in shortening the duration of rotavirus diarrhoea and reducing irritable bowel syndrome symptoms.

It has been also demonstrated that supplementing with Bifidobacterium animalis BB-12 or Lactobacillus GG modifies the allergic inflammation in infants with atopic eczema.

Now researchers led by Gregory J. Leyer have found that probiotics given preventively over the winter months reduce the incidence and duration of fever, cough, and runny noses in children (2).

The researchers assessed 326 healthy children ages 3 to 5 in a group childcare center in Jinhua City, China. They were randomly assigned to twice-daily doses of L. acidophilus or L. acidophilus in combination with Bifidobacterium animalis for six months from November 2005 to May 2006.

A third group was assigned to placebo, and a total of 248 youngsters completed the trial.

The researchers found that while both single- and combination-strain products reduced the incidence of fever, cough, and rhinorrhoea, the effect was more profound with the combination product.

The more profound effect with the combination product may have resulted from the fact that bifidobacteria decrease adherence of certain respiratory viruses to the tissues that lined the surface of the mouth.

Antibiotic use was also reduced compared with placebo, by 68.4% for the single-strain dose (P=0.0002) and by 84.2% for the combination product (P less than 0.0001).

Reducing the need for antibiotic use early in life may have important benefits (e.g., reduced adverse reactions, costs, and risk for antimicrobial resistance development).

There were also significant reductions in days absent from childcare.

The researchers also noted that the incidence of vomiting and diarrhea were low during the study period.

Probiotics may reduce respiratory symptoms and antibiotic use via an immune-enhancing effect, the researchers said, since previous studies have shown an ability of the bacteria to modulate immune responses through interactions with toll-like receptors.

Journal Reference:

Nayil Dinkçi, Gülfem Ünal, Sibel Akalin and Siddik Gönç. The Importance of Probiotics in Pediatrics. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 5 (6): 608-611, 2006

Leyer GJ, Li S, Mubasher ME, Reifer C, Ouwehand AC. Probiotic Effects on Cold and Influenza-Like Symptom Incidence and Duration in Children. Pediatrics 124(2):e172-e179, 2009. Full Text

Talk to your doctor today!

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Kordel’s Protect Probiotic contains 10 billion CFU of Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM® and Bifidobacterium lactis Bi-07.

Children below two : 1 sachet per day
Adults and children above two : 1-2 sachets per day

RM88.00 per box of 30 x2g sachets

Storage: No refrigeration is required. Keep in cool and dry place below 30oC

Monday, October 4, 2010

Garlic Oil and Diabetes-Induced Cardiomyopathy

Diabetes mellitus is one of the major risk factors for the development of cardiovascular disease, accounting for 80% of all diabetic mortality.

People with diabetes have at least twice the risk of death from heart disease as others without diabetes. They are especially vulnerable to a form of heart disease termed diabetic cardiomyopathy, which inflames and weakens the heart's muscle tissue

Previous studies have suggested that garlic oil could protect the cardiovascular system. However, the mechanism by which garlic oil protects diabetes-induced cardiomyopathy is unclear.

Wei-Wen Kuo and colleagues (1) fed either garlic oil or corn oil to laboratory rats with diabetes. Animals given garlic oil experienced beneficial changes associated with protection against heart damage.

Hyperglycemia, resulting from either insulin deficiency in type 1 diabetes or insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes, induces the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which is the major cause of diabetic myocardial injury. Due to low content of free radical scavengers, the heart is susceptible to being damaged by ROS.

The harmful effects of oxidative stress on the diabetic heart include abnormal gene expression, altered signal transduction, and activation of pathways leading to programmed myocardial cell death. Several antioxidant enzymes were identified to be decreased in the diabetic heart, due to hyperglycemia, by an oxidative mechanism found in both rats and humans

Interestingly, the exogenous or insulin-mediated antioxidant ability can inhibit this rise in oxidative stress, indicating a possible beneficial effect of antioxidants on preventing diabetic cardiomyopathy.

The changes in the garlic oil-fed rats appeared to be associated with the potent antioxidant properties of garlic oil. The scientists have identified more than 20 substances in garlic oil that may contribute to the effect.

Researchers are also investigating whether fermentable carbohydrates found in foods that include garlic and asparagus could help weight loss and diabetes.

The three-year study by the Nutrition and Research Group at Imperial College London, aims to establish whether these carbohydrates cause the release of gut hormones that could reduce appetite and enhance insulin sensitivity, which in turn could reduce blood sugar levels and help control weight. The carbohydrates will be given to participants in the study as a daily supplement.

Dietitian Nicola Guess, who is leading the study (2), said: "By investigating how appetite and blood glucose levels are regulated in people at high risk of type 2 diabetes we hope to find a way to prevent its onset."

  1. Hsiu-Chung Ou, Bor-Show Tzang, Mu-Hsin Chang, Cheng-Tzu Liu, Hui Wen Liu, Chong-Kuei Lii, Da-Tian Bau, Pei-Min Chao, Wei-Wen Kuo. Cardiac Contractile Dysfunction and Apoptosis in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats Are Ameliorated by Garlic Oil Supplementation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010; Full Text
  2. The Guardian, Monday 23 August 2010
  3. Each Garlic Pearl by VitaHealth contains 1mg of Garlic Oil
  4. Other recent reports on garlic, CLICK HERE
  5. Picture Credit

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Midlife Flab

Middle-age spread seems to be a depressing fact of life for anyone over 40. It's as if a fat switch flicks on when you reach midlife and suddenly everything you eat lands up on your tummy.

Even the slimmest types end up broader in the beam - and once that fat is there, we all know how tough it is to shift, stubbornly defying even the most rigorous diet and exercise regimens.

The worry is that your tummy flab isn't just unattractive, it's also unhealthy, as it's a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

It doesn't matter how hard we fight it, middle age just seems to bring out the bulge

But it's not necessarily your diet - or lack of self discipline - that's to blame, says American gynaecologist and pharmacist, Dr C W Randolph.

He claims midlife spread in both men and women is the result of hormonal imbalance, specifically too little progesterone and too much oestrogen. And the problem with too much oestrogen is that the hormone acts like a fat magnet, locking it in around your middle.

As Dr Randolph explains, in a healthy person there is a finely-tuned balance between the three sex hormones: oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone. But as we age, that balance changes.

As a woman reaches her mid-30s, her levels of progesterone - which is produced in the ovaries and is essential for fertility - start to decline.

While most women approaching menopause will know their oestrogen levels drop, few realise that progesterone production declines even more rapidly - 120 times faster than oestrogen, says Dr Randolph.

This progesterone drop also occurs much earlier, at a time when a woman's oestrogen levels are still good. The result: oestrogen 'dominance'.

In men, there is a similar drop in progesterone - the hormone is produced in the adrenal and testicular tissue and is used to produce testosterone and cortisone.

But when men reach their 40s, their levels of progesterone decline, leading to a fall in testosterone levels as well. Again, the result is that oestrogen becomes more dominant.

It may surprise many men to learn that oestrogen is found in their bodies - in fact, not only do they produce it, but it's essential for healthy bones, brain and libido.

Dr Randolph believes this problem of oestrogen dominance is compounded by the raised levels of oestrogen in our food, water and environment.

The so-called xeno-oestrogens - chemicals found in pesticides, plastics and other materials - mimic the effect of oestrogen and are fat-soluble, so store themselves in the body.

'I believe that this oestrogen "dominance" is an epidemic in western societies,' says Dr Randolph.

'People living in the United States and in western Europe have been found to have much higher oestrogen levels at much younger ages than people living in less industrialised countries, and many experts link these high levels of oestrogen to environmental exposure.'

Scientists generally agree that too much oestrogen leads to increased body fat

While other medics are yet to be convinced by the risks of this ' environmental' oestrogen, it is generally accepted that too much oestrogen circulating in the body increases body fat.

Although doctors don't know how this happens, one theory is that oestrogen reduces the body's ability to process and metabolise fatty acids after a meal, making it more likely to remain in your system and be deposited in fat stores.

What is clear is that fatty tissue itself produces oestrogen which in turn makes the body 'better' at storing fat. It is a vicious circle.

Furthermore, the action of oestrogen also inhibits your body's ability to effectively use fat stores for energy. 'The result is extra weight that won't go away even with more exercise or less eating,' says Dr Randolph.

In men and women, higher oestrogen levels predispose the body to store fat around the abdomen. Researchers have found that changing patterns of hormone production (the domination of oestrogen) causes the average man and woman to add 1-2lb around their middle every year from the ages of 35 to 55.

Dr Randolph claims that oestrogen dominance also affects the thyroid gland (which controls your metabolism), causing sluggishness and compounding the weight gain.

'As long as your body's metabolism is compromised by a hormone imbalance - most particularly oestrogen dominance - the extra pounds around your middle will be almost impossible to lose.'

Not only will too much oestrogen make you fat around the middle but it can cause a host of other symptoms, says Dr Randolph - in women these range from headaches to incontinence (as the hormone affects the muscles); in men, symptoms include depression and reduced libido.

However, Dr Randolph believes it is possible to rebalance your hormones so enabling the body to shift fat - particularly around the middle - permanently, with benefits for your health.

Based on his many years of treating men and women with sometimes debilitating hormonal symptoms, he claims that patients who made even small changes lost considerable amounts of weight around their waist.

There are two main prongs to his approach. The first is dietary, and involves avoiding ' oestrogen-stimulating' foods and boosting your intake of foods that shift excess oestrogen out of your system.

He recommends the following:

Foods to beat middle-age spread

• Cruciferous vegetables. such as broccoli and spring greens contain a nutrient called indole-3-carbinol which has been shown to help reduce the body's load of excess oestrogens.

Try to eat 2-3 servings (21/2 oz or 75g when cooked) a day. Other cruciferous vegetables include asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, Brussels sprouts, celery, beetroot, kale, cabbage, radish and turnip.

• Citrus fruits contain d-Limonene, another substance shown to help with oestrogen 'detoxification'.

Eat one serving a day or substitute 175ml/10fl oz of fruit juice once every other day.

• Boost your intake of insoluble fibre. Although soluble fibre is good for you (it regulates the flow of waste material through your digestive tract), in this context insoluble fibre is better still because it binds itself to extra oestrogen in the digestive tract and carries it out.

Increased fat can have serious health consequences

Good sources include wholemeal bread, barley, couscous, brown rice, whole-grain cereal and wheat bran, seeds, carrots, cucumbers, courgettes, celery and tomatoes. Eat two servings of insoluble fibre such as 1 slice bread or 1 oz seeds a day.

• Sprinkle ground linseed and sesame seed on salads and vegetables, and switch to flaxseed oil. The friendly bacteria in our intestines convert these foods into substances with weak oestrogen-like activity. According to Dr Randolph, when the body is oestrogen dominant, these 'new' plant oestrogens bind to your body's oestrogen receptors, reducing human oestrogen activity.

Add 2-3 tablespoons a day of ground flaxseed, sesame seeds or oil to smoothies, yoghurt or salads, or stir into cottage cheese or sprinkle over steamed vegetables.

In addition to these recommendations, Dr Randolph suggests adding a portion of protein to every meal (a high-protein diet can help increase the amount of a hunger-fighting hormone known as peptide YY, so aiding weight loss). And keep up your consumption of calcium-rich foods (such as yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, baked beans, skimmed milk, almonds) to preserve bone health; eat at least one other portion of fruit a day (to boost fibre and nutrient intake); drink eight glasses of water; and use heart-protecting olive or rapeseed oil rather than vegetable oil for dressings and cooking.

Foods to avoid

• Those high in saturated fats (such as bacon, sausages, ham, chips, crisps, butter, biscuits, pastries) have been linked to higher levels of oestrogen circulating in the blood.

• Refinged or processed foods (anything containing white sugar, flour and rice) raise blood sugar levels and stimulate the release of the hormone insulin to mop up the excess sugar. This in turn negatively impacts hormone balance.

• Caffeine - studies show that two cups of coffee a day can increase oestrogen levels.

• Alcohol - oestrogen is not efficiently broken down by an overtaxed liver. Dr Randolph believes the liver is affected after two drinks a day.

• Soya products - according to Dr Randolph these natural plant oestrogens can compound an underlying hormone imbalance.

As well as dietary changes, Dr Randolph advocates a comprehensive course of vitamin and mineral supplements.

These include calcium d-glucarate and diindolylmethane (DIM) (both found in leafy green vegetables), and B complex and vitamin E (to support oestrogen detoxification) - although many dietitians and other experts would argue we should be able to get all the nutrients our bodies need from a good balanced diet.

By Louise Atkinson
Daily Mail, UK Last updated at 1:35 AM on 5th May 2009

C.W. Randolph, Jr., M.D., a bioidentical hormone physician, has treated thousands of women and men with hormone imbalances for more than a decade. A graduate of Louisiana State University School of Medicine, Dr. Randolph is board-certified by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology as well as the American Board of Holistic Medicine. Because he practiced as a compounding pharmacist before returning to medical school, Dr. Randolph is also board-certified by The International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists. As the co-founder of The Natural Hormone Institute, Dr. Randolph continues to be a frequent speaker for medical and consumer health organizations across the country. He is the co-author of the best-selling books, From Hormone HELL to Hormone WELL, From Belly FAT to Belly FLAT, and a new book about sexual health and the hormone connection, In the Mood Again (Simon and Schuster, January 2010).

Picture Credit

Friday, October 1, 2010

Live Blood Analysis: New Diagnostic Method or Quackery?


Live Blood Analysis: New Diagnostic Method or Quackery?

Case report and Review of the Literature

Zachary A. Rubin, M.D.

UCLA Department of Medicine

Case Report

A 45-year-old woman presented for evaluation to an infectious diseases specialist with chief complaint of "blood parasites." She stated that she had recently gone with a friend to a consultation with an alternative medicine practitioner who performed live blood analysis with a dark-field microscope. After expressing some skepticism, the patient allowed the practitioner to draw a drop of blood from her finger, place it onto a slide and then use a dark-field microscope to provide a detailed analysis. The practitioner identified multiple structures which she identified as red blood cells. She also identified other structures which she stated were parasites, though she could not identify the species. Because the "parasites" were moving during the microscopy session, the practitioner felt that this was clear evidence of active infection. The practitioner recommended a course of treatment which included multiple herbal supplements. After the visit, the patient became anxious about her diagnosis of "blood parasites" and sought a second opinion.

The patient denied any past medical history. Her only hospital stays had followed vaginal delivery of 2 children after normal pregnancies. She felt well except for some mild fatigue and denied fevers, rigors, headache, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. She had visited her primary physician for a routine checkup within the last 3 months. Her only medication was daily multivitamins. Physical examination was unremarkable.


A recent survey found that 38% of adults in the United States admit to using alternative medical treatments1. While there is little evidence to support the use of most of these alternative therapies, every year Americans spend billions of dollars on them2. Many therapies, such as Ayurvedic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine have been imported into the United States and may be attractive to Americans due to their long history, many loyal adherents in their native cultures, and their basis on exotic philosophy. Many other therapies have been invented recently within the United States and use pseudoscientific claims and internet marketing to further their appeal. Live Blood Analysis (LBA) is an alternative diagnostic modality that uses the scientific instruments of medicine, in this case, a dark-field microscope, to diagnose many systemic diseases and vitamin deficiencies. While there is little literature pertaining to the practice prior to the 1980's, there are many current web sites that tout its professed benefits despite a Department of Health and Human Services (DHS) warning3.

Though a PubMed search yields no matches for LBA4, there are over 2.5 million hits on Google5. Web sites offer correspondence training in multiple microscopy techniques for as little as $4996 and sell microscopes and other equipment. Though most practitioners of LBA seem to have little formal medical training, many trained physicians and chiropractors appear to use the technique also.

The general treatment approach is to obtain a drop of the patient's blood and place it on a microscope slide. The slide is then projected onto a television screen for both practitioner and patient to examine. There are a number of online tutorials which give examples of abnormal findings including parasites attacking corpuscles, rouleaux formation and other purportedly significant findings7. After an extensive evaluation which may last up to 2 hours, the practitioner recommends therapy which often appears to include chelation therapy or nutritional supplements.

While it is unclear where LBA originated, a number of physicians going back to the 1920's claimed to have been able to detect cancer and infectious diseases using dark-field and other types of microscopy long before symptoms of the disease may be identified by more conventional methods8,9. LBA methods were tested by two groups of German investigators9,10. Both studies used independent microscopists trained and experience in LBA to evaluate blood samples for presence of disease. In one study, a practitioner reviewed 110 total patient slides, 12 of which had known metastatic cancer, with dark-field microscopy. The sensitivity and specificity of the microscopy was 25% and 64%, respectively10. In the other study, 2 separate experienced and trained LBA practitioners reviewed 48 blood samples from 24 patients and their conclusions were then compared. The researchers found very low agreement between practitioners9, with a kappa of 0.35.

While LBA offers the appeal of a scientific approach to diagnosis and treatment, there is no reliable scientific evidence to substantiate the claims made on the internet and elsewhere. While some alternative therapies may alleviate somatic symptoms not well-addressed by many mainstream physicians through placebo effect or other mechanisms, LBA appears to be a pseudoscientific sales pitch to get patients to buy equally unsubstantiated alternative treatments. While DHS and local law enforcement departments have tried to eliminate the practice of LBA11, a simple review of the internet seems to demonstrate an active and thriving industry.


  1. Barnes PM, Bloom B, Nahin RL. Complementary and alternative medicine use among adults and children: United States, 2007. Natl Health Stat Report. 2009 Dec 10;(12):1-23.
  2. Eisenberg DM, Davis RB, Ettner SL, Appel S, Wilkey S, Van Rompay M, Kessler RC. Trends in alternative medicine use in the United States, 1990-1997: results of a follow-up national survey. JAMA. 1998 Nov 11;280(18):1569-75.
  3. Department of Health and Human Services. Office of Inspector General Report: CLIA Regulation of Unestablished Laboratory Tests. July, 2001. Accessed through internet on ivecell.pdf. June, 19, 2009.
  4. PubMed search June 19, 2009. Search terms "live blood analysis, dark-field microscopy."
  5. Google search June 19, 2009. Search terms "live blood analysis."
  6. program.htm, accessed June 19, 2009.
  7., accessed June 19, 2009.
  8. Bird, Christopher. The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens: The True Story of the Efforts to Suppress an Alternative Treatment for Cancer, AIDS, and Other Immunologically Based Diseases. HJ Kramer, Inc. Tiburon, California 1991.
  9. Teut M, Lüdtke R, Warning A. Reliability of Enderlein's darkfield analysis of live blood. Altern Ther Health Med. 2006 JulAug;12(4):36-41.
  10. El-Safadi S, Tinneberg HR, von Georgi R, Münstedt K, Brück F. [Does dark field microscopy according to Enderlein allow for cancer diagnosis? A prospective study]. Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd. 2005 Jun;12(3):148-51. German.
  11. Barrett S. Live Blood Analysis: Another Gimmick to Sell You Something. Tests/livecell.html, accessed June 19, 2009.

Last Revised: Fri, 18-Dec-2009


Part 2


Ageing is one of the most natural processes and, strictly speaking, defines earthly life's time limit. All earthly life is subject to wear and deterioration, a process which, in fact, begins shortly after birth. Mankind has always dreamed of halting the degenerative ageing process and turning back the clock to attain eternal youth. Nature, of course, always denied us fulfilment of this age old wish. Recently, epoch making advances in medical science have assured us that the average life expectancy will become significantly longer. As a result, the human organism will be subjected to a significantly longer period of wear. Although the degenerative ageing process is inevitable, it can be reduced or dramatically slowed with placenta therapy in the context of detoxification, bio-terrain correction, and other biological therapy. Allopathic medicine treats symptoms of ageing and disease with artificially synthesised, frequently toxic chemicals which are not found in the natural body. The allopathic physician utilises a single chemical or treatment series of chemotherapy to enhance or inhibit a particular enzyme, cellular substrate or organ function, hoping to alter the perceived symptom or disease state. The allopathic physician works with toxins, so he/she must constantly evaluate the risk to benefit relationship of a single drug, or worse, a combination of drugs. Placenta therapy, on the other hand, purports to supply non-human, low antigenic, genetic cellular components by tissue injection to renew biological function. Pharmaceuticals tend to work symptomatically and not causally. In effect, the drugs only work as long as we are taking them, whereas placenta therapy, as a biological treatment, has a longer term effect without the fear of dangerous side effects.


As a therapy for revitalisation and rejuvenation, Sheep Placenta Extract has been reported to provide a number of benefits aside from managing the effects of ageing. Some examples are:

  • Regenerates cells, tissues, and organs
  • Increases flexibility in joints and discs
  • Improves immune system against diseases
  • Improves alertness and mental awareness
  • Lightens facial pigmentation
  • Refines facial pores and a glow to your skin
  • Improves skin elasticity and thickness; enhances skin texture
  • Improves sleep patterns
  • Improves in blood circulation
  • Enhances stamina and energy level
  • Renews sexual satisfaction
  • Eliminates constipation
  • Decreases pre-menstrual tension and related feminine problems
  • Reduces pre-menopause syndrome and a delay in menopause
  • Firms sagging bust and develops bust in cases of women with under developed bust size
  • Stabilises weight to a normal level
  • Decreases serum concentrations of cholesterol and triglycerides
  • Decreases risk of heart disease
  • Relieves symptoms related to any chronic disease
  • Increases vigour and energy
Source: The International Association for Organ cell therapy Specialists Switzerland
The above is the view of the IAOSS. Zestzfulness does not endorse the view unless specified.

Picture Credit