Sunday, October 9, 2011

Zestz for LAUGHS - IT Sex

Shariff sent us this piece all the way from London. Now my sister wants to know if this is his new secretary.

A secretary complained about her boss.....

She said, "My boss is so sex-crazed". Every time he comes into the office, I must do the LAPTOP position and then the DESKTOP position, followed by the SPREADSHEET format.

I must LOAD UP his SOFT DISK into a HARD DISK, so that he can INSERT in my C DRIVE and then the A DRIVE, which is most uncomfortable.

Then he'll ask me to EJECT his SOFTWARE outside my C DRIVE so that he is VIRUS FREE.

Then he changes his mind and decides to ENTER, ENTER, ENTER the whole day till he is in MICROSOFT stage.

Once I tried to ESC but he caught me and shifted me to his HOME where he started pressing @ BACKSPACE, and saying "TURNOVER today"...

Many a times he works without CAPLOCKS (without "CAP" or HELMET ) and sometimes as an ALT he CRASHES my SYSTEM until he looses his CTRL and he LOGS IN....

This process continues until I ZIP him and SHUTDOWN his main SYSTEM....

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