Friday, February 19, 2010

Katsuobushi oligopeptides May Also Decrease Diabetes Risk


The findings of the recent HOPE (Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation) trial strongly suggest that ACE inhibitor therapy may reduce risk for type 2 diabetes in patients who are non-diabetic at baseline. This finding is readily rationalized by previous evidence that ACE inhibitors can potentiate the insulin responsiveness of both adipocytes and muscle fibers.

Since the population at risk for diabetes is huge and increasing dramatically, the recent development of orally absorbable food-derived peptides with clinically significant ACE inhibitory activity – such as ‘Katsuobushi oligopeptides’ derived from bonito – may make it more logistically feasible to achieve this protection on a widescale basis, while simultaneously promoting blood pressure control and reducing risk for atherothrombotic disease.

Nevertheless, adhering to your healthcare professional's recommendations, eating wisely, exercise and a positive mindset remain crucial aspects the maintenance of optimum health.

McCarty MF (2003) ACE inhibition may decrease diabetes risk by boosting the impact of bradykinin on adipocytes. Med Hypotheses 60:779 –783

Available as Kordel’s BPGard. It contains 375mg of the Katsuobushi Oligopeptide per capsule. Recommended Retail Price :RM108.00 per 60 capsules, Dose: two capsules once or twice daily, depending on individual requirement

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This scientific review was written by the Zestzfulness Team

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