This milling and polishing destroys up to 67 percent of vitamin B3, 80 percent of vitamin B1, 90 of vitamin B6, 50 percent of manganese and phosphorus, virtually all of its fiber, and 100 percent of essential fatty acids.
The health benefits of high fiber content foods are numerous, it reduces the possibility of heart diseases, helps avoid abrupt spikes in sugar levels, helps digestion and reduces constipation etc.
The American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in May 2008 approved a heart-healthy label to be placed on most whole grain products, including brown rice. These whole grain products contain soluble fiber, which binds cholesterol and prevents it from being absorbed by the intestine and into the bloodstream. This binding lowers cholesterol and can help decrease your risk of coronary heart disease. You can read about this new ruling on the FDA's website.
Nutritionists and dieticians are now increasingly recommending brown rice as an excellent source of all-round nutrition.
All nuts that are covered by membranes ought to be consumed whole as each and every nut has all ingredients to develope into a new plant.