Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Obesity and Physical Inactivity Poses Arthritis Risk

Arthritis is the leading cause of physical disability, and one of the most frequently reported chronic conditions in the U.S. and Canada, with more women then men affected. Those in mid to late life are particularly vulnerable to this disabling condition, which is expected to increase in both countries due to the aging baby boomer population.

Based on data obtained during 2002-2003 for 3,505 Canadians and 5,183 Americans.

Drs Badley and Ansari found that arthritis prevalence was higher in American women at 23.3% compared with 19.6% of Canadian women. Women in the U.S. also had a higher prevalence of AAL than Canadian women at 13.0% versus 9.2%. The overall occurrence of arthritis and AAL in men was similar in both countries at roughly 14% and 6%, respectively.

The authors suggested that the higher prevalence of arthritis and AAL in the U.S. may be a consequence of greater obesity and physical inactivity in that country, particularly in women.

Physical activity and dietary intake patterns over your lifespan will impact on health and functional status in later years and old age.

Act now to address these lifestyle and behavioral factors that play a role in the etiology and prevention of many chronic diseases including ses cancer and coronary heart disease.

Elizabeth Badley and Hina Ansari. Arthritis and arthritis-attributable activity limitations in the United States and Canada: A cross-border comparison. Arthritis Care & Research, Volume 62 Issue 3, Pages 308 - 315

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