Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Multivitamins Can Add Sparkle for GenXs

Want to feel more alert, less stressed and have a positive outlook?

Take multivitamins. That's what a study conducted at Northumbria University at Newcastle suggests.

The effects of multivitamins are most often researched in the elderly. This is one of very few studies to assess the relationship between supplementation with vitamins/minerals and psychological functioning in healthy groups of non-elderly adults.

In a randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled study, 215 men in full-time employment aged between 30 and 55 were given either a multivitamin or a placebo for a period of 33 days.

Those on the multivatin supplement not only scored better on mental math tests, but they rated their general health better, reported decreased levels of stress and said they felt more vigorous.

"Overall, these results suggest that improving nutritional status, by supplementation if necessary, may be beneficial to males within the general population as a whole," says Professor David Kennedy, who led the study.

"The assumption was made here that the men tested enjoyed typical nutritional status. However, the very fact of being able to improve mood, ratings of mental health and vigour and aspects of task performance by simple supplementation with B vitamins, Vitamin C and minerals indicates that the cohort must have been suffering from less than optimal micronutrient status at the outset."

Optimum functioning of the central nervous system is dependent on a wide range of micronutrients, and evidence from epidemiological studies that clearly suggest a relationship between micro-nutrients and psychological functioning.

Vitamin C for example is the brain's most prevalent antioxidant and is found at its greatest concentrations in neuron-rich areas.

Zestzfulness adds : Do not overlook the importance of exercise, sleep, veges and fruits, and the NOW!


  1. Undoubtedly food supplements are good for optimum health irrespective of age and sex.

    The problem is that youngsters normally think they are great enough to live without food supplements.

    I would rather recommend you health conscious guys and gals to buy multivitamins manufactured by renown company though the price could be higher.

  2. I suggest to you "Opti-Men Multivitamin 180 tabs"
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