Saturday, June 30, 2012



A pretty little girl named Suzy was standing on the footpath in front of her home.

Next to her was a basket containing a number of tiny creatures and labelled “FREE KITTENS”.

Suddenly a line of black Perdanas pulled up beside her.

"Hi there little girl, I'm the Prime Minister. What do you have in the basket?" he asked.

"Kittens," little Suzy said.

"How old are they?" asked the PM.

Suzy replied, "They're so young, their eyes aren't even open yet."

"And what kind of kittens are they?"

"Government supporters," answered Suzy with a smile.

The PM was delighted. As soon as he returned to his car, he called his publicity chief and told him about the little girl and the kittens.

Recognizing the perfect opportunity to fish for votes, the two of them agreed that the PM should return the next day.

And in front of the assembled media, have the girl talk about her discerning kittens.

So the next day, Suzy was again standing on the sidewalk with her basket of "FREE KITTENS", when another motorcade pulled up, this time followed by vans from the mainstream media.

Cameras and audio equipment were quickly set up, then the PM got out of his official Perdana  and walked over to little Suzy.

"Hello, again," the PM said, "I'd love it if you would tell all my friends out there what kind of kittens you're giving away."

"Yes uncle PM" Suzy said. "They're opposition supporters."

Taken by surprise, the Prime Minister stammered, "But...but...yesterday, you told me they were government SUPPORTERS."

Little Suzy smiled and said, "I know. But today, the kittens have grown older and their eyes are now wide open."

DISCLAIMER: Any similarities to people, events, locations (including country), cars and pets are purely coincidental

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